I want to write.

I think I want to write. I can feel the ideas, feel the words. But for some reason I can’t put my pen to paper, even the virtual sense. So I resort what I always resort to at these times, to writing thing about writing.

They say you should write what you feel, and I guess when you experience writers block, writing about writers block makes sense. But I don’t know if I have writers block. I don’t know if I really understand what writers block actually is. And I don’t think trying to understand whether or not I actually have writers block, will help me with the whole writing thing.

Why is it so hard to do the things you really want to do?

It’s the only thing I know that just maybe I’m any good at, why can’t I just do it?

The irony of me being informed after I posted this, that this is my 500th post on this blog is not lost on me.

I’m disabled.

Language matters. And to some, the word disabled is the wrong word to use.

Some people prefer words like “differently abled” or “different ability”, but I’ll be honest these don’t sit right with me.

To me using the word disabled is simply factual. I am disabled, while there are some things I do differently, there are things I cannot do. And I don’t think this is something I should feel bad about or not acknowledge.

I feel like those who don’t use the word disabled want to change the language to make them feel better about their disability, which is of course their right to do. But I would rather own the language.

There’s nothing wrong with being disabled. It makes you who you are and you deserve to live in the world.

Being differently abled doesn’t make you not disabled, and that’s okay. Disabled is not a bad word, it just is. And I don’t like it when people think it is, it feels like they think I’m wrong for existing and being happy with that.

I don’t really know what else to say about this, without repeating myself. But remember language changes for us, we don’t need to change for language.

Listening to music.

What activities do you lose yourself in?

I could listen to music all day ever day. It’s a major form of escapism for me. The only one I can partake in when the fatigue hits.

While I can’t say I have a favourite song, I love music to much just to pick one song. I can say that my current go to song is linked below.

Music is amazing. But as much as I don’t like silence, if I want to focus on what I’m doing then I have to have tv on rather than music. If I have music on I will just get too lost in the lyrics to be focusing on what I’m supposed to be focusing on.

So if I’m ever ignoring you, when I’m listening to music, know that I’m not doing it on purpose. I’ve just got lost in a song or two.

What’s your current go to song?

Why do I try to post daily?

If you actually read my blog regularly, which I thank you very much for by the way. Then you’ll notice I try to post something daily, occasionally though I will admit that I have backdated a post or two. But you may also have noticed that some of posts have more substance than others.

This is because I have more motivation to write on some days than others. But I force myself to write something, anything, almost daily. And yes writing this post about writing posts is me trying to write something with zero motivation or idea what to write about.

I do this because despite how difficult I find it write some says writing is freedom to me. Writing sometimes feels like the only outlet I have in life, the only level playing field that I have.

I love to write. I feel sometimes that I need to write, and yet sometimes that I can’t write. So writing something daily, is better than writing nothing. There was a time when I wrote nothing, and it was a very emotionally dark time in my life. At least it’s putting words to paper, or screen to be more accurate.

From what I’ve read in the writers groups I’m in, I suppose you could say I have a major case of writers block. I want to write so badly, I have all the ideas. But I often lack the motivation to work on my ideas, or worse the physical and/or emotional energy.

When I do have the motivation but I lack the energy, I feel like my body has yet again betrayed me, in the only thing I feel I’m supposed to be good at.

I’m disabled after all.

But every word, every sentence, every post is me trying. Trying not to let the doubts or my body win. Trying to do something that I enjoy, even when I’m not enjoying it.


What’s your favorite word?

I can’t remember if I’ve stated this explicitly on this blog before, but I’m Aegosexual. This is a subset of Asexuality.

A better definition of the term can be found here. But the way I understand the term personally is that as soon as I become part of the sexual situation I am no longer interested in it. The other way I describe this is a disconnect between myself and sex.

The reason this is my favourite word is because of what finding this term did to me personally. It made my sexuality make sense.

It’s confusing to know you have some interest in sex but don’t actually want that. In an allosexual world that views desire and action as interchangeable.

If you’d like me to write a little more on Asexuality and my experiences of it let me know.


If you had to give up one word that you use regularly, what would it be?

I spend a lot of my life apologies for things that someone doesn’t need to apologise for. Sometimes it’s just for existing as me.

It’s definitely some form of internalised ableism that I haven’t managed to let go of just yet. At this point in my life I’m not sure if I ever will.

But I know that I should. Logically I know I need to stop apologising for just being. But knowing something and doing something can be two different things.

So not being able to say it would probably help me in the long run.

I don’t think there is one.

What is a word you feel that too many people use?

Language is there to be used.

I don’t think there are any words that people use too much, there are simply words they use differently to the person that they are trying to get to understand them.

I know words mean something that’s necessary for a language to exist. However, I think people are to quick to see different definitions and understandings of words as wrong. Depending on the situation it really doesn’t matter if you use a word ‘wrong’, as long as you and your audience have a shared understanding of what the word means in the context you are using it in.

This is why I say on this site, please only notify me of any mistakes that you see that change the meaning or the way what has been written can be understood.