On my own.

So today I’m set up to be on my own all day. I have my coffee and my hot plate, which I’m counting as an accessibility aid, and should really do a post on. But I have everything I need. I think.

And that “I think” is the real concern. I have to think not only about the things I need in the moment, but I anything I may need for the rest of the day while I’m on my own. And I don’t always get it right, I usually forget something. I forgot my fan today, but that’s nothing major.

You have to be more organised when you’re disabled. You just do. You have to try and think ahead about the immediate future all of the time. You’re the one that suffers if you’re not organised enough.

I’m far more organised that people might realised, it’s just organised chaos, to be honest with you. I’ve set things up so they work for me, even if it looks complicated for you. And because I’m not set up as far in advance as some they may not realise just how organised I am.

Today is just about being ready for today, and that’s enough for me.

I know I’ve posted about not being able to be on my own, but today is a day where it wouldn’t be fair to the person I live with to not be on my own today. They wouldn’t be able to do what they wanted to, and I really don’t want to stop them living their life.

Sometimes me being alone is about other people, and it’s just a risk I have to take.