There’s something I love about takeaways food.

What is your favorite restaurant?

Takeaways can actually be an accessibility tool.

A lot of people see things that make doing something easy as promoting laziness, but this just isn’t the case. I don’t believe that laziness exists and if you can do something in a way that is easier for you, you absolutely should. As someone who can’t cook, takeaways are how I cook. They’re both how I get to decide my own food, and contribute to the cooking in the house.

For me takeaways are an accessibility tool, though I love takeaways, even though I can’t always afford to have them. This can be seen as part of what is called as the disability tax, that is the extra money disabled people pay to have to live in such an inaccessible society.

For me it’s either takeaways, microwave meals or very basic oven meals. As I can not cook at all, and the person I live with has limited ability to do so. While society will tell you it’s easier and cheaper to home cook a meal, it’s not always easier (or possible) so the cheaper option isn’t always an option.

It’s also worth remembering the other areas of inaccessibility I face, such as my wheelchair or reliance on carers, that mean I don’t often go out to eat at restaurants. If I’m out I will eat, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone out to eat apart from with friends and family. So I’m answering this question from the perspective of takeaways rather than restaurants specifically, if that wasn’t obvious before.

My favourite takeaway has to be Mcdonalds I think. I like to keep it simple. But I also love a good subway. Something like Indian or Chinese is saved for special occasions like birthdays.

I’m different.

Describe something you learned in high school.

I didn’t learn that it was the good thing people tell you it is.

As I’ve grown I’ve learned everyone is different. But sometimes I still feel a kind of different I wish I wasn’t. I’m trying to work on that, but it’s not linear.

Red White and Royal Blue. ❤️🤍💙

What book could you read over and over again?

Honestly this is one of the loveliest books I’ve ever read.

But as sometimes happens the film adaptation is nowhere near as good. They just miss a whole load of relevant parts of the story out. It made me so sad.

I have to admit I’m not a big reader of traditional books. But I read this book in two days, that’s very fast for me. I just couldn’t put it down.

I wish I could forget the book and read it again from the beginning without knowing where it would go. I wish I could experience all the emotions all over again. All the feelings, all the pain and love.


What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

The carers get me changed and dressed and then I tend to go back to sleep in my wheelchair. 

This depends on whether I have to do things in the day, mind you. If I have to do things that involve going out, and have a say in when they get done, I try to get them done as early in the day as possible. In this case I wouldn’t go straight back to sleep. I would wait until I’ve done what I needed to do.

If I don’t have a say in the times things need to be done, I would probably sleep until the time that I need to do whatever it was.

If I get a say in it, which because I need help to do if, I don’t always. I like to get the dogs walked as early as possible. In all honesty this is just to get it over and done with so that I can go back to sleep.

Fatigue sucks let me put it that way.

The way we experience emotions

Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?

I think the most unique thing about humans is the way we experience emotions.

The fact that different things make us all angry, sad, scared, loved. While you may understand someone’s emotions it can be difficult to understand what triggers them, and impossible to understand how they feel them. And I honestly find that extremely fascinating.

I firmly believe that nobody’s experience is exactly the same where emotions are concerned. But if you can try to understand someone’s emotions in a situation you may be able to understand more about them and who they are as a person.

I feel like emotions, the emotions of others, are a big part of how I understand the world around me. I think this comes down to my disability, and the fact that I cannot understand the world completely physically. No matter how I hard I try, physically there will always be  things that I miss due to my disability.  But emotionally I am able to have a more complete understanding of the world around me. Man made ablesim doesn’t exist in the emotional world.

But just because I understand the world around me better through emotions, doesn’t mean that my emotions are easier to deal with.

At the minute I am dealing with anxiety over doing something that I know is important but scares me because it involves a phone call. I hate phone calls. No matter how important I know they aren’t I don’t want to make them. Annoyingly sometimes I get the confidence to make the necessary phone calls, but of course this never lines up to when I’m actually able to do that. And when I am able to do it, my anxiety acts up again.

What I can be sure of is my emotions don’t like me. But maybe that’s part of what makes me a unique person.

Probably a dancer.

When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I’ll be honest I can’t completely remember, but at that age I probably wanted to dance, if I’m honest I still do. For awhile I did wheelchair dancing, but I’ve been unable to find a competitive group for adults, so I haven’t done it in years, and that makes me sad honest.

I love dance.

It’s just my luck that I’d enjoy something so much that doesn’t work in the way people expect when you’re in a wheelchair. Even when I’ve found dancers in wheelchairs, they’ve almost always been in manual wheelchairs and had a lot more movement than me.

Moral of that story is dancing doesn’t really work for me.