A cross.

What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

It’s a necklace that belonged to my grandma. I’m not religious at all, I wear it for the family history rather than anything else.

When I was younger, my mum used to give it me on difficult days or days she said I needed luck. I started asking for it on days when I was nervous as I got older, as it made me feel like my mum was there with me.

When she was dying she said I could have the necklace, and I put it on then and haven’t taken it off, apart from when I had to get the chain repaired, since.

I don’t really like holidays anymore

What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I used to love holidays.

But as I’ve grown up I’ve realised just how small my world seems to be compared to those around me. How many options they have to spend with other people that aren’t me, and how few options I have.

Holidays are difficult for me, not wanting to get in the way. Feeling like I’m around because people think that they have to have me around, rather than them wanting me around.

Part of me would just rather to be alone on me own for most holidays. But I can’t do that without the person I live with needing to be with me. So I’m kind of stuck going so they can go.

This is before we even get the fact that of the limited family members whose homes are accessible to me, none of them are easy for me to get in.

So I guess this one is a reminder that not everyone likes holidays. Holidays are not easy for everyone. So be kind.


Have you ever been camping?

I suppose to answer his question it depends on what you mean by camping.

If we’re talking in a tent, I have vague memories of possibly doing so as a child. Definitely in my garden and definitely on the trampoline. But there is also a possibility that we went to a campsite to do it.

If we’re talking in a caravan we definitely did this growing up, I can vividly remember it. We also had an awning that the children would sleep in as we didn’t have the room in the caravan.

So yes. I did go camping as a child. It’s not something I do now as it’s not the most accessible activity when you’re a full time electric wheelchair user.

Honestly at the minute when I write on this blog.

When do you feel most productive?

I don’t know if that’s sad or not.

But it really does feel like this blog is the only thing I can do for myself right now. That might sound a little buzzard, but I think it’s the fact that I get to fully control what’s on this blog. There’s not many things I get full control of in my life. So I hold on to what I have.

I am aware that I’ve said similar things on this blog before, but at least you know I’m telling the truth.

The purple heart.

What are your favorite emojis?

This one: 💜

That’s because purple is my favourite colour. But there are some other emojis that I really love.

There’s this one: 🩶 the grey heart.

There are two reasons I love the grey heart. The first is because my cat Ellis is grey, so I often use this emoji when posting about them. The second is because it means I can post all the colours of the Asexual Flag in emoji heart form: 💜🤍🩶🖤. That’s the purple heart, followed by the white heart, followed by the grey heart, followed by the black heart.

I feel like here I need to take a second to inform you that for my dogs Bella and Immy I also use coloured hearts. For Bella I use the brown heart: 🤎, and for Immy I use the yellow heart: 💛. And now just because I have an excuse to, I’m going to include a picture of all three of my furbabies below.

Image Description: From left to right lay on my bed is Bella, my brown with white markings caviler king charles, Ellis my grey cat with white markings, and Imogen my yellow labrador.

So back to emojis. Obviously as an aminal lover I love the dog and cat emojis: 🐕 🐶🐈🐈‍⬛️😺. I particularly the black cat emoji and the panting dog emoji: 🐈‍⬛️🐶, as I think they are similar to Ellis and Bella. Then we can’t forget the paw print emoji: 🐾, which is just so cute.

Then I’ve got to say that I love the wheelchair emojis:👩‍🦼👩‍🦽🦼🦽👨‍🦽👨‍🦼. I love that there are different types of wheelchairs included in these emojis, and this one: 👩‍🦼, is similar to my wheelchair, which makes me even happier.

I also have a family member who cannot read or write, but who uses the colour of emojis as one of there ways to communicate. Which is really nice.

I think emojis are both a great tool for accessibility as well as just being a bit of fun. It’s nice they can tick both boxes.

Going to a concert

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I had a great experience at last night concert, surprisingly.

I’m not sure if I will ever get used to having a positive experience at a concert. This was lovely.

I actually got to go slightly in front of the barrier, so this was probably the only time at a concert where I’ve actually had a clear direct view of the artists on the stage.

My view is usually blocked if not by people, which is expected, then by the height of the barrier. But this time was great.

I honestly don’t think that it’s too much to expect to be able to see the artist at a show you’ve paid for. But some people seem to think it is when you’re disabled.

That said I would rather be part of the crowd than in a separate area any day of the week. Though there are rare occasions that this can have advantages, this is very dependent on the venue.


How do you unwind after a demanding day?

I’m that person that has my electric blanket on every day of the year. i’m not kidding on average I have to buy a new blanket twice a year and they eventually break on me, no doubt because of how much I use them.

I once gave myself the temperature because I have my electric blanket on during the hottest day of the year.

I will put my fan on with my electric blanket on before I will turn the blanket off. Heat is my best friend. And with chronic pain you have to do what works.

So when I come home from a busy day, or sometimes just relax from a busy day at home. The first thing I usually do is get under my electric blanket.

I’ve even been looking  for usb powered electric blankets, so that I would be able to use them out of the house. Though I haven’t been able to find them that works properly yet, despite trying a few different opinions. If anyone has any ideas can they let me know please.

It’s a big part of my life.

How do you use social media?

Many people criticise social media but I believe the criticism is firmly how some people use it, as apples to the fact it exists as at all.

I believe this because social media is a big part of how I access the world. It’s how I not only keep in contact with the people I know, but more generally the world around me.

For me social media is completely accessible, most of the time, and I recognise what a privileged position that puts me in. It means I am able to access the world of social media as if I were not disabled. Maybe that’s why I love it so much, because for me there are no barriers that exist in the real world.

So if you have a bad experience on social media, remember not to judge the platform but the individual people that were rude or mean to you. The platform can do so much good. And my blaming the platform for the actions of people you take the responsibility from people for there actions.