Nothing really.

What jobs have you had?

That’s not strictly true, as I did have a few jobs in university, in situations where they are specifically looking at employing students of the university. There are only things that lasted a day though. I did earn my first and to this day only paycheck which was nice.

But I’ve never really had a job despite trying. Many jobs are inaccessible to me, and people don’t really expect me to work. I tried for awhile to fight against this determine that I would fine something to do. But when your options are already limited, and people are just turning you away because you have no experience as no one will let you try. There’s only so many times you can be told no before you end up listening.

Just remembered that not everybody who doesn’t work doesn’t work because they’ve chosen not to. Whether a person is disabled or not they might want to work they may have tried to work but it is not always that simple.

I can’t just walk into a shop and get a 9-5 to pay the bills. I’ve actually dreamed through having a job like this. A job where I am able to earn my own money and have a role in society is all I really want. But I don’t think it’s in the cars and that makes me sad.