
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

The carers get me changed and dressed and then I tend to go back to sleep in my wheelchair. 

This depends on whether I have to do things in the day, mind you. If I have to do things that involve going out, and have a say in when they get done, I try to get them done as early in the day as possible. In this case I wouldn’t go straight back to sleep. I would wait until I’ve done what I needed to do.

If I don’t have a say in the times things need to be done, I would probably sleep until the time that I need to do whatever it was.

If I get a say in it, which because I need help to do if, I don’t always. I like to get the dogs walked as early as possible. In all honesty this is just to get it over and done with so that I can go back to sleep.

Fatigue sucks let me put it that way.