400 Days

So today marks a 400 day streak on this blog, but if you pay close attention to this blog, you’d know that it’s not strictly true. This is because they’re occasionally days where I backdate posts on this blog, to keep the streak, though I’m always honest about doing it.

What I’m saying is I know I’m never going to win any sort of record for posting on this blog, but that’s okay because that isn’t at all why I do it.

I write on this blog (almost) daily as it brings me comfort. It’s my place of control, where I can do, write and say what I want. Where I don’t need anyone else’s help to do write and say what I want. And having this streak, even though I have edited things to make it happen, makes me happy. And here is probably the only place where that is truly all that matters.

So if you’re still here reading my words, thank you for sticking with me this long.

In the spirit of being honest and this feeling like an important place to be that. I feel I have to say that when I posted this it came up as day 401, not sure what I’ve missed as I really thought yesterday was 399. Maybe I’m a time traveler. Who knows. But anyway the sentiment is the same.

Honestly at the minute when I write on this blog.

When do you feel most productive?

I don’t know if that’s sad or not.

But it really does feel like this blog is the only thing I can do for myself right now. That might sound a little buzzard, but I think it’s the fact that I get to fully control what’s on this blog. There’s not many things I get full control of in my life. So I hold on to what I have.

I am aware that I’ve said similar things on this blog before, but at least you know I’m telling the truth.

Why do I try to post daily?

If you actually read my blog regularly, which I thank you very much for by the way. Then you’ll notice I try to post something daily, occasionally though I will admit that I have backdated a post or two. But you may also have noticed that some of posts have more substance than others.

This is because I have more motivation to write on some days than others. But I force myself to write something, anything, almost daily. And yes writing this post about writing posts is me trying to write something with zero motivation or idea what to write about.

I do this because despite how difficult I find it write some says writing is freedom to me. Writing sometimes feels like the only outlet I have in life, the only level playing field that I have.

I love to write. I feel sometimes that I need to write, and yet sometimes that I can’t write. So writing something daily, is better than writing nothing. There was a time when I wrote nothing, and it was a very emotionally dark time in my life. At least it’s putting words to paper, or screen to be more accurate.

From what I’ve read in the writers groups I’m in, I suppose you could say I have a major case of writers block. I want to write so badly, I have all the ideas. But I often lack the motivation to work on my ideas, or worse the physical and/or emotional energy.

When I do have the motivation but I lack the energy, I feel like my body has yet again betrayed me, in the only thing I feel I’m supposed to be good at.

I’m disabled after all.

But every word, every sentence, every post is me trying. Trying not to let the doubts or my body win. Trying to do something that I enjoy, even when I’m not enjoying it.

Many of these posts to be honest.

Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done.

Sometimes I start writing and I run out of steam, ideas, energy or all of the above.

So I guess this blog getting done, gets done. But not in the way I plan.

Many of the other writing projects I have, don’t get finished. I have the ideas just not the energy. Maybe one day huh.

If you follow closer.

If you follow this blog closely you may notice I occasionally backdate some posts, in fact this post is backdated so you have in fact not timetravelled or missed anything.

I do this if I miss a day as I like to keep my streak. I know that’s not what you’re supposed to do, but it makes me happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone, so I don’t really care that you’re not supposed to do it.

I’m writing this post as I sit on a bus, I just remembered that I didn’t write yesterday’s post and it’s annoyed me. It’s annoyed me not because it’s something I feel I have to do, I really do enjoy these posts. It’s annoyed me because I know I had a post that I wanted to write, and the day just got away from me.

Hopefully I will get round to writing that post, but as always I make no promises.

Thanks for understanding and following along. And happy yesterday 😊.

I apologies about all the changes.

So as I said in a previous post I have been looking at changing the settings on this blog, and it seems I have only been able to do it by changing the blog theme. That said I think that I have found a way to set the blog up in a way that I am actually happy with.

You should, if I have done it right, find the option of ‘Old Topics’ in the menu now. This should hopefully show a drop down menu with old category tags that I will no longer be using as they have been specific to an area of the blog or time of year or something like that. Despite the fact it is still Asexual Awareness Week, I have added this to the drop down menu, and I still plan to add posts to this category for the rest of the week, it was just easier to do this now. I also plan to maybe add the topic of Disability Pride to this section but I am not sure about this yet.

I have added this section to hopefully make the blog more organised. But as always please do let me know if something isn’t clear or accessible on the blog and I will do my best to change it as soon as possible.

You’ll have to forgive me for the odd posts for a little while

As I have said, I have Covid, and it’s weird to say the least. But I don’t want to make this post about Covid.

As I write this post as 2am I realise not for the first time in my life, that it can be incredibly frustrating to have your brain awake when the rest of the world is asleep. I want to do things now, that I can’t do until morning, but I can’t do them now, and in the morning I know doing what I need to do will cause me a lot of anxiety.

I’m aware this post doesn’t make a lot of sense, and I apologies for that. I don’t really want to explain myself right now, physically, I’m just to tired to write the length of post required to make this make sense. I could say that I will explain this when I have the energy, but there’s a few problems with that.

The first is that it really isn’t exciting, it’s just adulting. The second is I don’t know when I will have the physical energy to write a post long enough to explain this, I’m struggling writing this one. And the third is that by the time I have the energy to do this, I will probably forget to write about it anyway.

I apologies for the state of this blog right now, and these posts.

Expanding this blog

So, I have tried several times to expand my writing by having a separate blog for it, but it just doesn’t seem to take, not in the way that this blog has worked for me. So, I have decided to add a section to this blog, just for my general writing.

The writing in this section is not going to be specifically disability, inaccessibility or writing prompt related.

It will just be pieces on a range of topics I want to write about, or I am inspired to write about, potentially writing prompts from other places on the internet. Honestly, I haven’t really decided where I am going with this as of yet.

All I can tell you for now, is that I love to write. More than that sometimes-writing feels like the only thing I can do in life, maybe because I can write independently, I don’t know. What I do know is I really don’t want to lose my passion for writing. I really want it to become something more in my life, one way or another. And maybe this blog, that seems to be doing something for me personally, is the way to do that.

Wish me luck with this endeavour, as I say I have failed at it more than once, so I feel like I need it.

If you have any suggestions, or any areas you would like me to write on, let me know.

Voice to text

Voice to text is a wonderful tool, that in case you don’t know allows you to produce text from your speech though what ever microphone you have on the device you are using.

It is a tool which allows the production of text without the use of hands, and while it can simply be a tool that makes writing easier for some, it can be a necessary tool to enable writing for others.

For me it is a tool I occasionally use, when I want to write but I’m to tired to physically write. That is the main reason I use it. But occasionally I have to use it because I simply cannot reach the keyboard because of my little doggy Bella who has decided to sit in my way and who I don’t want to make move. I’ve included a picture of this below.

Image Description: A picture of the of my dog, the head has been cropped a brown caviler king charles resting on a laptop with a brown blanket underneath.

So voice to text does have it other uses. Like letting your dog sit where they want to.

But occasionally speech to text isn’t very accurate, and for that reason some of my posts or comments may not make total sense. This would depend on whether I find myself able at the time to reread and edit the text produced by voice to text. Most of the times I will, but sometimes I may not.

So please keep this in mind, not only for my blog, but for anything that you might read. Mistakes in texts may be present for a variety of reasons and the author may or may not be aware of them or able to fix them.

My best piece of advice would be if a mistake prevents you from understanding the text it is best to inform the author, but if it doesn’t perhaps think twice if you need to or not.

While I’ve been away.

While I’ve been posting less on here, as I’ve been very busy, I’ve still been continuing my Facebook campaign which sparked this blog. As I try to get back into this blog they’re a few updates I want to share with you about this, and I will try to do so in the next few days. Bare with me though please.

As for the luck of this blog the blue black grounds I previously used for the post have become more difficult to add from my phone, so I’ve decided to stop doing these. That said if this in any way makes anything I post less accessible to anyone please let me know as I will figure something out.

Thanks for sticking with me, more subject specific update will come tomorrow 🙂.