Dear people who use trains with babies, can you not leave your buggies in the wheelchair spaces. Thank you.

Image Description: An over the shoulder photo of a buggies on the edge of a wheelchair space on a train.

As I write this post I am still on the train. It is worth noting that the buggy was moved so I could get in before the photo was taken. Before this, it was completely in the wheelchair space. The owner of the buggy is nowhere to be seen.

I know that children and buggies have every right to take up space, but please remember your buggies are optional, my wheelchair is not.

It’s one thing to leave your buggy in the wheelchair space with you there. But to leave it there while you go into another area of the train is even more surprising to me. Why would you do it? Why would you leave your belongings unattended like that? Is being in first class really that important to you?

While the buggy has been moved out of the area, it is now blocking the isle and other passengers. It is not as easy for me to move as it is for you to not leave you things in the way in the first place.

How dangerous is to dangerous?

Image Description: This picture shows me in my electric wheelchair from the back on a bike lane. Next to a pavement with a patch of grass. Several vehicles have been blocked out with white pencil and pink love heart emojis.

So I had to deal with this situation yesterday. Due to a car blocking the only flat access off a crossing, resulted in me having to go on the bike lane of a very busy road.

Some of the instances of obstructions and Inaccessibility I have posted on this blog and elsewhere may not seem too bad, they may seem like minor problems. But they are all symptoms of the same behaviour, behaviour like this that can put me and others in real danger.

I just wish that people understood the direct consequences of there behaviour on others, I suppose that’s why I post.

But it gets tiring honestly. I just want to be able to go out and know I’d be safe.

It took a lot of skill to navigate a situation like this. Something I’ve been doing since I was a young child. But something I absolutely shouldn’t have the skills to do. But needs must.

The more I post, the less legalities matter.

So as I’ve said I’ve been posting online about issues of pavement access inaccessibility and poor parking. But the my post the more people seem less concerned with the law that I used to back the things I say in the posts and often the things I post about. Apparently if you simply have an opinion people don’t like, whether it is backed up by law doesn’t matter.

Today I posted about a vehicle parked in a bus stop. Vehicles parks in bus stops restrict access for the bus to park close enough to the curb so that’s a ramp can be used by those who need it. It is also generally not allowed by any vehicle except for in specific circumstances legally speaking. After posting this vehicle alert that they were apparently part of a company that maintains bus stops. However I could not find anything that legally supported that vehicles right to park there, as long as the bus stop was still in use, witch it obviously was as at the time I was waiting for a bus.

Despite supporting my post with research and doing further research when questioned. Many people think me having a different opinion and perspective on the issue makes me wrong, despite the fact I am able to support mine with evidence and they can’t.

It is just interesting to me that no matter how much I back up my opinion, legally or with other valid sources. There are people that will still think I’m wrong because of a social acceptance of a matter.

For example if I post an obvious working vehicle the assumption is that they have the right to block access, restrict a pavement or park inconsiderably are even illegally, simply because they maybe working. I would like to add that I’ve never knownly posted the vehicle of someone who is obviously working in the moment in which I post it.

If something is accessible it is inaccessible it is inacessible whatever your reason maybe for making it inaccessible. And the law is the law.

Frankly if you think I’m wrong for following or asking about a law on something I don’t really care about your opinion on the matter.

Resulted to this is something I may talk about at a later date. Someone once questioned why I was so interested in the law, and suggested that I might be Autistic because of it. I honestly found this very offensive but it is something to return to in a different post.