The little lies.

Part of being disabled (at least for me) is that I have to trust what people tell me. And for reasons I still don’t understand, they often lie to me.

It’s not big lies, usually. It tends to be just telling me something is washed, or clean, or has been picked up when it hasn’t. Or maybe they looked somewhere for something it’s not there, but when I and look for it it’s very obviously in the place where I said it was. Occasionally the lies are a bit bigger, being told a place is accessible when it isn’t, or being lied to about what the accessibility of a venue is like.

I just don’t understand why people don’t tell me the truth. While the truth would still be frustrating, it’s not more frustrating than a lie. When you rely on people to help you, being lied to is a lot worse than you might realise.

It makes it hard to trust people, when you don’t know if they’re lying to you. And you have to be able to trust people when you’re disabled, my life wouldn’t work if I couldn’t trust the people that I need help from.

But even when they lie to me and I know I can’t trust them, I still need their help. And that can be hard to live with emotionally.

I just can’t really understand how hard it is to tell people the truth.

3 thoughts on “The little lies.

  1. What a great post. My husband does this with me all of the time. And when I call him on it, he makes up the worst excuses. It’s so frustrating when he’s the one person I count on and even he doesn’t tell me the truth.

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