Chronic Discomfort

So sometimes I struggle to say I have chronic pain. I mean I do, but I’m just so used to it, that I don’t think it always registers as pain. It’s like I’ve turned it down to get on with life. This is probably something that only people who experience chronic pain understand.

But something that’s chronic but not constant that I haven’t figured out how to turn down is my chronic discomfort.

I tried to look into chronic discomfort, as that’s how I learn to deal with things, to learn as much about them as I can. But I couldn’t find anything, and it kept taking me back to chronic pain.

My limited research does have me wondering if I’m making it up, if it really is just the same as chronic pain, or if chronic discomfort is something that exist but just something that hasn’t been looked into before. It’s just that that chronic discomfort and chronic pain feel very different to me. Maybe this is really about how I register pain, I honestly don’t know. But I think it’s something that needs to be looked into more.

Chronic discomfort for me, doesn’t involve pain as such. But to me it feels like you’re not physically sat in your body right, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Like no matter what you do you’re not in your body right. Like when your socks aren’t on properly, but you can’t pull them up. That feeling, but everywhere? I hope that king of makes sense.

Now I know how to register the pain, I know how to explain the pain. But the discomfort is something else. Something I find it hard to explain, even to myself, because it’s not pain, it’s almost worse. That’s why I want to read more about it, to understand it better, but I really can’t find anything.

All this said I didn’t spend a lot of time looking for stuff on chronic discomfort, because fatigue. But if anyone out there is better at research than me or just knows anything about chronic discomfort, I’d love to know more.

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