400 Days

So today marks a 400 day streak on this blog, but if you pay close attention to this blog, you’d know that it’s not strictly true. This is because they’re occasionally days where I backdate posts on this blog, to keep the streak, though I’m always honest about doing it.

What I’m saying is I know I’m never going to win any sort of record for posting on this blog, but that’s okay because that isn’t at all why I do it.

I write on this blog (almost) daily as it brings me comfort. It’s my place of control, where I can do, write and say what I want. Where I don’t need anyone else’s help to do write and say what I want. And having this streak, even though I have edited things to make it happen, makes me happy. And here is probably the only place where that is truly all that matters.

So if you’re still here reading my words, thank you for sticking with me this long.

In the spirit of being honest and this feeling like an important place to be that. I feel I have to say that when I posted this it came up as day 401, not sure what I’ve missed as I really thought yesterday was 399. Maybe I’m a time traveler. Who knows. But anyway the sentiment is the same.

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