People just want to have fun.

So first of all, I want to apologise because this is another backdated post. I’m actually going to write this one and then write tomorrow, which is today’s straight after. But I think I can class this as a backdated post for a good reason.

For the first time in a really long while  I went out with some friends that I haven’t seen some of them in years, because it was one of their birthdays. It was such a fun day. And all honesty, I didn’t feel disabled for most of it. Which is nice.

Usually this only happens if what I am doing is incredibly accessible. it wasn’t. It was about accessible as everything else usually is. I’d say there weren’t many problems, but there were some. The reason I didn’t feel disabled I think because I was with other disabled people. While I’m not a fan on segregation in anyway there is something to be said about the ease of being with people who aren’t gonna question why you do things a certain way or why you can’t do certain things. There’s no awkwardness if I ask for help. I feel like I can ask for help, probably because I’m not the only one that needed to ask for help.

Inclusion is about more than just being in the room, it’s about being made to feel like you belong in the room. This is something I feel very people who are not disabled. And I feel many disabled people I just meet more than family for example.

It’s just that shared understanding. It’s just nice for it not to matter that I’m disabled for a while.

So I had a really fun day, came home and fell almost immediately asleep. I couldn’t have my Care because I’d stayed out late, but that’s not something I really want to get into on this positive post.

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