I’m going to lie.

I’m not going to say that it bothers me when you do things I can’t do, but it does bother me.

Something are just accessible to me. even when they’re supposed to have accessible options, they just don’t, that is just a part of my life. And when that comes up like it did today, of course I’m going to say that it’s okay with me if you still do whatever it is. It really isn’t. But I’m not gonna be the reason that you don’t experience something. I’m going to minimise as much as I can how much my disability impacts what you are able to do. I’m the disabled one, not you.

But it’s going to upset me that I can’t be part of the experience. I’ve learnt though to keep those feelings quiet, to not make everything about the fact that I can’t be a part of it. I’m not sure it’s ever going to get to the point where it doesn’t bother me though. But I’m sure I’ll get better at hiding it.

The biggest problem here, other than the lack of accessibility, which should always be seen as the primary problem. Is the way I deal with this, emotionally. Logically, I know that something not being accessible to me is not my fault, but emotions make difficult. w

I would be lying if I said that it didn’t cross my mind that if I weren’t disabled, I would be able to have the experience. That I am the problem, not the world around me. And even though I have spent my entire life disabled, I know and understand internalised ableism very well. That me being the problem feels too much like the truth, that every time I fall for it, even just a little bit. And I have to convince my brain it’s wrong.

When I look at this without emotion it is obvious that my brain is wrong. It is obvious that I cannot and should not be blamed for the inaccessibility in the world me. I didn’t choose to be disabled and I didn’t create the world the way that it exists. I just live in it the same as you, the same as anyone else. This guilt, shouldn’t really be mine to take. And yet every time I start by making myself take it, and going backwards from there.

I’m hoping that eventually I will learn not to blame myself so much for things that are not my fault. That I will learn not to blame myself for feelings that I cannot control. That I will be able to validate my own feelings the way I validate others, because I deserve that same treatment and care. But I honestly don’t know that I’ll ever get there.

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