I’m disabled.

Language matters. And to some, the word disabled is the wrong word to use.

Some people prefer words like “differently abled” or “different ability”, but I’ll be honest these don’t sit right with me.

To me using the word disabled is simply factual. I am disabled, while there are some things I do differently, there are things I cannot do. And I don’t think this is something I should feel bad about or not acknowledge.

I feel like those who don’t use the word disabled want to change the language to make them feel better about their disability, which is of course their right to do. But I would rather own the language.

There’s nothing wrong with being disabled. It makes you who you are and you deserve to live in the world.

Being differently abled doesn’t make you not disabled, and that’s okay. Disabled is not a bad word, it just is. And I don’t like it when people think it is, it feels like they think I’m wrong for existing and being happy with that.

I don’t really know what else to say about this, without repeating myself. But remember language changes for us, we don’t need to change for language.

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