Going to a concert

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

I had a great experience at last night concert, surprisingly.

I’m not sure if I will ever get used to having a positive experience at a concert. This was lovely.

I actually got to go slightly in front of the barrier, so this was probably the only time at a concert where I’ve actually had a clear direct view of the artists on the stage.

My view is usually blocked if not by people, which is expected, then by the height of the barrier. But this time was great.

I honestly don’t think that it’s too much to expect to be able to see the artist at a show you’ve paid for. But some people seem to think it is when you’re disabled.

That said I would rather be part of the crowd than in a separate area any day of the week. Though there are rare occasions that this can have advantages, this is very dependent on the venue.

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