Can you just.

You know all those little things that pop into your head to check when you’re trying to sleep in the middle of the night?

Well I can’t check them.

I can’t check where that charger I don’t really need is, or if the front door is locked. Or if one of the babies are doing something they shouldn’t be in the night.

But despite not being able to act on them, I definitely still get the thoughts. I still want to check the heating is turned off or if the front door is locked.

And again, I can’t check them.

When it’s at it’s worse every thought feels like nothing more than a reminder of the things I cannot do.

I just wished the thoughts matched my body. That my brain and the rest of me were on the same page, just once. It would really do me a favour if I no longer had the things that my brain stated to me at the moment which I’m not able to do them.

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