Fatigue sucks.

Fatigue is a big problem for me at the minute. And I did the thing you shouldn’t do and googled, it’s going to get worse.

It’s really hard to get the motivation to do thins when I just think hey I’d rather be asleep than do that. And if I do massage to catch it where my brain is on board, it always seems like my body is on a different page.

There are many reasons why it can seem that is my body that makes the world inaccessible to me, and this is just one of them. I have to push myself against my own body.

I’ve tried to regulate my sleeping pattern and even if I can do so for a while, it never seems to stick. Something always happens, I sleep to much or not enough for one day and it completely throws me off.

I’m going to really struggle this week. I have a big day this week where I’ll be travelling all day, and I can already tell I’m going to be exhausted for it. Afterwards though it should help my brain and my body to reset.

So I guess this one’s just to say bare with those of us who seem like we never sleep or sleep to much. We’re trying. It annoys me to.

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