Happy International Asexuality Day.

Image Description: A black, grey, white and purple heart with the text “International Asexuality Day April 6”

There are many variations in the definition of Asexuality but my preferred understanding is that those who are Asexual experience sexual attraction on a different scale to allosexuals in society. This includes Demisexuals and variations in feelings of sexual attraction that Asexuals can feel.

Speaking personal my Asexual journey was very difficult. Mostly because I didn’t want to live up the dangerous stereotype of a disabled person not being interested in sex.

Eventually after exploring the sub labels of Asexuality I found a label that fit too well to ignore. Sub labels exist to be tools to help you describe who you are or your experiences, not to limit yourself to definitions of words. For me they are life changing.

Happy International Asexuality Day to all my Ace Aces out there. You’re valid. You’re seen. You’re not broken.

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