When you can’t find the things that work.

Sometimes when you’re disabled, living your life independently in an inaccessible world can be very dependent on specific pieces of technology.

Technology doesn’t know how valuable it is, and technology being technology it will eventually break. You will need a replacement eventually, that’s just life.

But just because you need a piece of technology doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to find the replacement you need for it. And what do you do when you can’t find the replacement that you need? Like anything, you adapt.

Adapting is something you have to do a lot in an inaccessible world, but that doesn’t make it easy. It can be very upsetting and difficult to do, especially when adapting involves changing a way you’ve had that works.

I don’t like to do it. But does anyone like change?

Needs must, I suppose. And so I’m trying to continue and adapt and change. To face the challenges life throws at me. But in all honesty it doesn’t get easier.

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