
I want to be alone a lot of the time, at least I think I do. But my disability means that the times when I’m alone are often the most debilitating for me.

Take now for example, as I write this post I’m lay in bed, and I find that one of my chargers isn’t working. I have other wires but they are not where I can reach them myself. And while I could wake the person I live with, and they wouldn’t mind, this is not something I deem important enough to wake them after 12 o’clock at night for.

In the past when I have had a problem, but not a serious enough problem, I have created bigger problems that I deem worthy of asking for help for. For example dropping my bed control, without which I am unable to move in the night, which causes so much pain that I am unable to sleep. But that isn’t something I will be doing tonight.

No matter how much I find myself wanting it, being alone reminds me what I am unable to do on my own, it reminds me just how disabled I am. Being alone for any long period of time is always going to inaccessible to me. And sometimes, like right now, it is difficult for me to accept that reality.

I wonder if I do you want to be alone or if I just want to be able to do things for myself? Or if what I really want, is others not to have to do the things for me. While all those things sound the same, I don’t think they are. Wanting to be able to do things for yourself and not wanting other people to do them for you or different. One is about independence the other is about being a burden to those around you.

But when you can never be alone for any meaningful length of time. When you always need the help of others to do the simplest things. You are always going to be a burden, or at the very least feel like you are a burden, in some way or another.

Maybe the reason I want to be alone is because I don’t want to feel like a burden to anyone. And when I’m alone I can’t ask for help, so I can’t bother anyone, so for a little while I’m not a burden.

Not being disabled will always be inaccessible to me. And that means the life of those who aren’t disabled, the life of true freedom and independence, will always be as well.

So why call this post nighttime?

Well, if it wasn’t obvious that tends to be when I am alone, the most thanks to my messed up sleeping pattern. I’ve heard it said before that nighttime is the worst for your emotions, as this is when they are free to control you. And honestly right now I would have to agree.

Nighttime is when I am alone. Nighttime is when I realise being alone is inaccessible to me. Nighttime is when I cannot sleep.

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