There’s a hole in my pants

Image Description: Two fingers spread around a small hole in a black pair of pants. There’s also a lot of dog hair visible in the photo.

Now I’m aware having a hole in your pants isn’t a big problem, but it is problem that I’m not able to do anything about. And that makes it worse than a larger problem I could solve.

Once I’m dressed in the morning, I cannot get changed until Carer comes in the evening. The person I live with cod, undress me but not put any clean clothes on me. So I have to decide that I don’t need to go out for the day before I get them to do that.

While it would be possible for me to get more care in the day, in fact, this has been suggested to me several times. Getting another call would mean that I have to stay home or home in the middle of the day. I already have to be home for a certain time in the evening, I don’t want to sacrifice more control of my life the fact I need Carers. I don’t even like to leave the house, and that’s a whole of the story. But I really appreciate the ability to leave if I want to, and I’m nervous of doing anything that could take that away from me.

And then there’s the cost of my Care and what would happen if I cost the system too much? And while there is an issue, I try not to think about. It is something that is on my mind when considering how much help I will take from the government. I’ve seen the horror stories. And I’m not prepared to give up my babies.

Regularly needing help from others comes at a price. This price can look different for different people, but it is always there. Just be aware of this when you think somebody has it easy because they have everything done for them. I would much rather be able to do it all myself,,whenever I want, the way that I want.

I am aware that this is such a stupid insignificant problem, and those are those are the ones that annoy me most. I think because I know that if I want to disable, I would be able to solve them.

Here’s hoping that the worst problem I have today is a hole in my pants.

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