Simple is relative.

Sometimes the solution to a problem might seem simple, it might even be simple for you, but that doesn’t mean that it’s simple for everyone.

Yesterday I had a problem with my heating and I have a consistent problem with my dryer. Different people have told me that both these problems can be easily solved, and yet I have had to call someone in for them, because I am unable to fix the problem myself.

But maybe that counts as the easy solution, providing I suppose it solves the problems. Maybe me calling someone to solve the problem, is me solving the problem in a way that’s accessible to me.

Making something accessible doesn’t mean always doing it yourself.

That’s a lesson I learnt many years ago, but one I struggle to remember in the moment.

But in a world which is inheritantly ableist, many don’t count getting someone else to help you do something, as doing it for yourself. And I am someone who needs help to solve the simple problems in life often. So to me they are not simple problems.

But I do, I have to. Otherwise the rest of the world simply happens to me or around me, and I’m not part of it anymore.

There was a time when I wouldn’t have even asked for the help when I needed it, and just let a problem get worse. At least now I have a way to solve it.

So just remember, don’t judge anyone who needs help to get it done, at least the job gets done. We all need a little help sometimes.

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