When I see a problem I can’t fix

I spend a lot of time seeing little problems in my life that I want to fix, but I can’t.

Little things, like when a floor needs cleaning, and yes that’s a real example that sparked this post. Little problems that are actually easy to fix, but I just can’t fix on my own.

But the person who I’m often with that could help me fix the problem, doesn’t have the same inspiration of desire to fix the problem that I do. And because there who I need to fix the problem, it doesn’t usually get fixed.

I know I owe a lot to the people in my life that help me. But it gets frustrating when they can’t, or won’t, help me the way that I want to.

I can understand how that makes me seem ungrateful, but there’s only so long you can be grateful for when you need so much help.

Fixing most problems is something that is inaccessible to me.

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