If you follow closer.

If you follow this blog closely you may notice I occasionally backdate some posts, in fact this post is backdated so you have in fact not timetravelled or missed anything.

I do this if I miss a day as I like to keep my streak. I know that’s not what you’re supposed to do, but it makes me happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone, so I don’t really care that you’re not supposed to do it.

I’m writing this post as I sit on a bus, I just remembered that I didn’t write yesterday’s post and it’s annoyed me. It’s annoyed me not because it’s something I feel I have to do, I really do enjoy these posts. It’s annoyed me because I know I had a post that I wanted to write, and the day just got away from me.

Hopefully I will get round to writing that post, but as always I make no promises.

Thanks for understanding and following along. And happy yesterday 😊.

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