I apologies about all the changes.

So as I said in a previous post I have been looking at changing the settings on this blog, and it seems I have only been able to do it by changing the blog theme. That said I think that I have found a way to set the blog up in a way that I am actually happy with.

You should, if I have done it right, find the option of ‘Old Topics’ in the menu now. This should hopefully show a drop down menu with old category tags that I will no longer be using as they have been specific to an area of the blog or time of year or something like that. Despite the fact it is still Asexual Awareness Week, I have added this to the drop down menu, and I still plan to add posts to this category for the rest of the week, it was just easier to do this now. I also plan to maybe add the topic of Disability Pride to this section but I am not sure about this yet.

I have added this section to hopefully make the blog more organised. But as always please do let me know if something isn’t clear or accessible on the blog and I will do my best to change it as soon as possible.

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