I’m supposed to show tonight

And I really don’t want to.

I’m sat here in what I call my comfy chair thinking about the fact that I am comfortable, and in about an hour I’m going to be a lot less comfortable.

When you’re disabled, you often have to do things on other peoples schedule. Which means I have to have a shower or at the very least get into bed in an hour whether I want to or not. Now this is strictly true because I can say if I want to both of them.  but if I was having a shower today, I can’t have one until Tuesday. And if I say no to getting in bed it also means I’m saying no to getting changed. This means I will be uncomfortable and dirty by the time the 12 hours have passed and I’m able to get that care again.

So I don’t really see it as a choice, when the decision is so stacked against me. Do it later, doesn’t really exist for me, and on days like today that can be incredibly frustrating.

I just don’t want to move. But I know I’ll have to soon.

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