Doctor who💙💙.

Image Description: A photo of a cinema screen showing the BBC Doctor Who logo with “interval 15 minutes, special message commences in” written on it and a timer counting down.

So this is another backdated post. Yesterday turned out to be quite busy day. After I posted a similar post to my recent Train post on this blog, on TikTok. That got a little popular so I mainly spent the day replying to those comments and getting ready to watch Doctor Who.

No, this is not a blog about Doctor Who so I’ll just say it was an experience and I recommend you watch it. I will definitely be watching it again.

And I don’t really have the energy now to write about the backlash I have faced from the Train post. But I wanted to sort summarise some things up.

First of all, children are optional. You choose to have them, or you choose to keep them. if you are in a situation where this is not optional for you this is because the option has been taken from you not because the act of having children isn’t optional. If you disagree with the statement, I don’t think this blog is for you, and that’s okay.

Second of all, wheelchair spaces are not also also buggy spaces. They can be used by people with buggies if no one in a wheelchair needs them, but they are intended for use by people in wheelchairs therefore they should and often do in policy get priority in these spaces. They are certainly not storage spaces. Again, if you disagree with this, this isn’t the blog for you.

If anyone would like me to share more on this issue, let me know. I’m happy to share links to my posts on TikTok if you would like to see them.

Thank you, and remember to watch Doctor Who 💙💙

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