
What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

I understand that this can be a complex question, because it depends what you think a good life is, but I guess that’s the point.

Personally I would have to say one of the most important things needed to live a good life, whatever you believe that to be is Freedom. Freedom can look different to everyone. It can be the safety to live independently from others, or the ability to choose what you wear, how you look and where you go when you want.

Essentially I think Freedom is defined as living whatever life you want to live, within the bounds of not causing harm to others obviously.

Everything else I can think of that someone might need to live a good life, all stems from this idea of having the freedom to live the way they want to live.

A good life is a life that makes you happy, a life that doesn’t intentionally hurt others, life doing the things you enjoy.

I know this is a vague answer to the question but I don’t really want to be more specific, as I know that a good life can only really be defined by the person who is living it. The one thing I am clear about is that you do not live a good life if your life involves intentionally hurting others. This is never a good life, just keep to your own good life, and let others live theres.

By my own definitions here I don’t life a good life, I can’t do what I want when I want it because I need help to do it, make of that what you will.

When you need help for a lot of things in life, Freedom is conditional, so in my opinion it’s not really freedom.

I don’t live a bad life, by any stretch. I live the best life I can with the situation that my life has been presented to me. But I struggle sometimes to see it as a good life, by what I truly believe a good life to be.

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